Approximation on domains

The AAA algorithm can be used to approximate functions on other domains as defined in the ComplexRegions package.

Unit circle and disk

The domain unit_circle is predefined. Here's a function approximated on the unit circle:

using RationalFunctionApproximation, CairoMakie, DomainColoring
const shg = current_figure

f = z -> (z^3 - 1) / sin(z - 0.9 - 1im)
r = approximate(f, unit_circle)
Barycentric rational function of type (9,9) on the domain: ClosedPath with 1 curve

This approximation is accurate to 13 digits, as we can see by plotting the error around the circle:

Example block output

Here is how the approximation looks in the complex plane (using a black cross to mark the pole):

using ComplexRegions, ComplexPlots
domaincolor(r, [-1.5, 1.5, -1.5, 1.5], abs=true)
lines!(unit_circle, color=:white, linewidth=4)
scatter!(poles(r), markersize=16, color=:black, marker=:xcross)
limits!(-1.5, 1.5, -1.5, 1.5)
Example block output

Above, you can also see the zeros at roots of unity.

This next function has infinitely many poles and an essential singularity inside the unit disk:

f = z -> tan(1 / z^4)
r = approximate(f, unit_circle)
domaincolor(r, [-1.5, 1.5, -1.5, 1.5], abs=true)
lines!(unit_circle, color=:white, linewidth=4)
Example block output

We can request an approximation that is analytic in a region. In this case, it would not make sense to request one on the unit disk, since the singularities are necessary:

r = approximate(f, unit_disk)
Barycentric rational function of type (0,0) on the domain: Region interior to Circle(0.0+0.0im,1.0,ccw)

In the result above, the approximation is simply a constant function, as the algorithm could do no better. However, if we request analyticity in the region exterior to the circle, everything works out:

r = approximate(f, exterior(unit_circle))
z, err = check(r)
maximum(abs, err)

Other shapes

We are not limited to intervals and circles! There are other shapes available in ComplexRegions.Shapes:

import ComplexRegions.Shapes
r = approximate(z -> log(0.35 + 0.4im - z), interior(Shapes.cross))
domaincolor(r, [-1.5, 1.5, -1.5, 1.5], abs=true)
lines!(boundary(r.domain), color=:white, linewidth=4)
Example block output
c = Shapes.hypo(5)
r = approximate(z -> (z+4)^(-3.5), interior(c))
domaincolor(r, [-5, 5, -5, 5], abs=true)
lines!(c, color=:white, linewidth=4)
Example block output

Here are the predefined shapes:

shapes = [  Shapes.ellipse(2, 1) Shapes.squircle;
    Shapes.square  Shapes.triangle      Shapes.cross;
    Shapes.hypo(3)          Shapes.spiral(2, 0.7)

fig = Figure(size=(400, 400))
for i in 1:3, j in 1:3
    ax, _ = lines(fig[i, j], shapes[i, j], linewidth=2, axis=(autolimitaspect=1,))
    hidedecorations!(ax); hidespines!(ax)
Example block output

Unbounded domains

It's also possible to approximate on unbounded domains, but this capability is not yet automated. For example, the function

f = z -> 1 / sqrt(z - (-1 + 3im))
#9 (generic function with 1 method)

is analytic on the right half of the complex plane. In order to produce an approximation on that domain, we can transplant it to the unit disk via a Möbius transformation $\phi$:

z = cispi.(range(-1, 1, length=90))           # points on the unit circle
φ = Mobius( [-1, -1im, 1], [1im, 0, -1im])    # unit circle ↦ imag axis
extrema(real, φ.(z))
(-1.1158266984625186e-14, 3.135304997405465e-13)

By composing $f$ with $\phi$, we can approximate within the disk while $f$ is evaluated only on its native domain:

r = approximate(f ∘ φ, interior(unit_circle))
domaincolor(r, [-2, 2, -2, 2], abs=true)
lines!(unit_circle, color=:white, linewidth=4)
scatter!(nodes(, color=:black, markersize=8)
Example block output

Above, the black markers show the nodes of the interpolant. We can view the same approximation within the right half-plane by composing $r$ with $\phi^{-1}$:

φ⁻¹ = inv(φ)
domaincolor(r ∘ φ⁻¹, [-8, 8, -8, 8], abs=true)
lines!([(0, 8), (0, -8)], color=:white, linewidth=4)
scatter!(φ.(nodes(, color=:black, markersize=8)
limits!(-8, 8, -8, 8)
Example block output